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Are you a portfolio of services?

It all has to start with you and your self-worth 💁 so you can make it all about your audience and clients and give them the best experience.⁠


For a long time, I thought I just have to work more, do more, offer more so I can sell my servicesđŸ€”.⁠


I listed every little detail 📝 on my website about what I do, what I offer leaving my visitors to feel overwhelmed and confused đŸ€Ż.⁠


It was all about I do this 🙋, I give that 🙋, I work that many hours 🙋 etc. ⁠


There was no personality. There was no confidence. There was no connection ...⁠


So what shifted? 🙃 The perception of what I do and how I truly believe in its value.⁠


If you want to sell, have more clients and work in a job that you are truly happy in, the first person you need to convince is yourself ❗❗❗⁠


When you are 💯% sure that you got this, that you are worth every penny and you stop feeling the need of proving yourself, then you can turn all that energy and confidence đŸ’Ș to show up for you clients, assure them that they are in good hands and that you got their backs đŸ€—.⁠


It will suddenly become all about THEM 😍. ⁠


🙌Making THEM feel comfortable⁠

🙌Making THEM feel that there are answers to their problems ⁠

🙌Making THEM feel that their desires can be fulfilled⁠


This is why we always start with confidence and self-belief with my clients before doing any work on social media or website strategy. ⁠


Everything that you work on in your business will be built on you so every time when you do something make sure you start the work with YOU 💛😘.⁠


How is your relationship with yourself and with what you do?

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Hey, I'm B. 

I help overwhelmed business owners to get clear on their offerings and online presence, take charge of their visual and content strategy and create cohesive online message.

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